Aperture Education, which specializes in social and emotional learning (SEL) solutions for K-12, is offering free webinars in coming weeks for teachers, aimed at their health and emotional wellbeing.
The details are:
“Why Educator SEL is Critical This School Year” – 2 p.m. EST on Wednesday, August 19, 2020.
This webinar for educators addresses the importance of social-emotional learning for adults and provides actionable strategies to help them strengthen their own social-emotional competencies. Participants will learn about research around the issue of adult social-emotional learning (SEL) and receive advice on how to approach their school administrators to advocate for SEL support. To register visit: https://bit.ly/2DJjsyp.
“How to Support Your Educators with SEL in Times of Uncertainty” – 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, August 27, 2020
This webinar is for administrators of schools and out-of-school time programs. It will include a discussion about the importance of SEL for educators and actionable strategies to help participants support SEL for their staff members. Participants will learn about research on the issue and get a look into Aperture Education’s newest educator resource, Educator Social-Emotional Reflection and Training (EdSERT). To register, visit https://bit.ly/3fxGSnW.
“Teachers have a lot on their plates right now as they navigate how to effectively teach students during a pandemic while also supporting those students’ social-emotional needs. Too often their own SEL needs get moved to the back burner,” said Jessica Adamson, CEO of Aperture Education, in the release announcing the webinars. “We know how important educator SEL is so we wanted to provide resources and support to help teachers and administrators make it a priority. Our webinars will provide advice to support educator SEL so they can focus on teaching and learning.”
The release also says the webinars are, “examples of Aperture Education’s work to support educators, administrators and parents in promoting social-emotional learning in classrooms and homes.”
Aperture provides the DESSA Comprehensive SEL System which allows educators to measure, strengthen, and support social-emotional competence in youth in grades K-12. The DESSA System includes a suite of strength-based assessments, a universal screener that can be administered in less than a minute, and growth strategies and foundational practices to strengthen social and emotional competence, according to the company. It also offers the Educator Social Emotional Reflection and Training (EdSERT) tool, which it describes as a professional development program to support the social-emotional competency and well-being of educators.