7 Mindsets, the leader in PreK-12 mindsets-based learning and well-being solutions, today announced the acquisition of BASE Education, a student social-emotional learning (SEL) and mental health platform developed by licensed professional counselors. This acquisition expands and enhances 7 Mindsets’ suite of social-emotional well-being offerings for students, educators, and families.
BASE Education, a CASEL-recommended provider, offers 7 Mindsets the opportunity to provide a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), from whole-class social-emotional learning to more targeted customized interventions for students with individualized behavioral and mental health needs. BASE’s solution tackles mental health topics that teachers may find tough to discuss, giving students a vehicle to connect with their emotions in a self-paced and private manner and providing insights that help students and adults respond better to each other.
“Becoming part of 7 Mindsets allows BASE to expand our clinical and innovative approach to mental health for all kids. Being able to diversify our offering is imperative for equitable student access and connection,” said BASE Education Founder and CEO Robin Glenn.
“Our goal has always been to help all students build the skills for mental health and resilience they need to succeed in school and in life. This acquisition will allow us to do that on an even larger scale.” As part of the acquisition, Glenn joins 7 Mindsets’ executive leadership team as chief development and strategy officer.
Source: Globe Newswire