Plus, podcast with Kristin Laudenslager, Cedar Crest College. Plus, two news clips on enrollment.
Issue 6
Purdue University Spending $140+ Million on Advertising?
Paxton Riter, Co-Founder and CEO at iDesign, shared an interesting post on LinkedIn recently, outlining the ten universities spending the most on advertising.

According to this, Purdue University spent more than $140 million on advertising in 2022-23. The graphic does not say, but it’s likely that most of that was actually for Purdue Global, the university’s independent online cousin.
Also interesting that most schools in this top 10 are online and several are for-profit providers. Together, that’s more than half a billion in ad spending in one year.
Kristin Laudenslager, Director of MarCom at Cedar Crest College, Interviewed on EdUp Pod
The EdUp Marcomm podcast has dropped another show — this one featuring Kristin Laudenslager, Director of Marketing and Communications at Cedar Crest College
Worth a listen.
News You Can (Maybe) Use
University Herald looks into the landscape of college success and enrollment in an article headlined:
US Colleges Grapple With Closure Threat; Mergers And Transformations Emerge As Survival Strategies
The Buffalo News also reports on efforts to boost enrollment at SUNY schools. Their headline is:
SUNY report reveals strategies for bucking enrollment trends